Student Parking Information
Students who choose to drive to school will operate their vehicles in conformance with all rules and regulations of the State of Minnesota, the City of Richfield and School District 280 Board of Education policy governing the reserved student parking lots. Motor vehicles must be licensed and covered by insurance. The school is not responsible for the motor vehicle or its contents. It is important to remember that driving to school is considered a privilege and rules will be strictly enforced.
Parking permits are sold for each quarter. Each quarter permits go on sale the first day of that quarter. Permits cost $25 per quarter ($15 for students with only 1-3 classes at RHS). Permit stickers should be placed in the lower left corner of the windshield. All students should park in the assigned parking spots (southeast side of the parking lot).
Daily parking permits are available for $3 and must be purchased prior to the first hour of class that day. You then must return the parking stub to your car and place it on the dashboard.
Students who park without a permit or in an unassigned spot, or park illegally (fire lane, handicap spot, etc.) will be subject to a $25 parking citation. Fines must be paid at the Paying and Receiving window. Any students with unpaid fines will be placed on the unmet obligations list. Students are expected to abide by the policies and regulations set forth in the parking lot permit application form. Violations of the parking policies and regulations could result in revocation without refund of the parking permit.