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Standards-Based Grading

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The purpose of grading is to communicate what students have learned or are capable of doing as a result of learning. Standards-based grading ensures grading is in alignment with academic state standards. 

Secondary Proficiency Levels and Descriptors 

All graded assignments are aligned to a state academic standard and graded using the common descriptors below. In order for students to earn an A, they must show that they have fully met the standard and can transfer their learning to an authentic or new situation or task. This allows them to not only demonstrate learning of the content but also develop critical thinking skills and creative thinking which are essential in today's and tomorrow's workforce. 



General Descriptor 



Independently and fully meets the standard by creatively transferring learning to a new situation and connecting it to previous learning. 



Independently and fully meets the standard. 



Requires assistance to fully meet the standard.  



Does not yet meet a grade level standard and requires significant assistance to demonstrate some understandings or skills needed to meet the standard. 

No Evidence


Either whole pieces of evidence are missing or the submitted evidence is incomplete. 

RMS and RHS Grading Practices 

  • Grades will not include participation, attendance, behavior, extra credit or homework completion. 
  • Students can turn in late work without penalty until the end of the unit. 
  • Students can retake end-of-unit assessments until the end of the next unit.
  • Retakes may be performed during WIN (RHS) or as arranged by the teacher. Students are limited to one retake of summative assessments. 
  • All formative assessments must be completed in order to take a reassessment. 
  • RMS: Formative Assessment is 30% of the final grade and summative assessment is 70% of the final grade. 
  • RHS: Formative Assessment is 20% of the final grade and summative assessment is 80% of the final grade. 

*Middle school students taking high school credit courses, and high school students taking college credit courses will have slightly different grading categories. 

Common Definitions 

  • Formative assessment: Assignments under this section include any graded assignment that is practicing a skill, understanding or concept that is directly aligned to the summative assessment. Students should have an opportunity to practice a skill or concept before it goes into the grade book. 
  • Summative assessment: Assignments under this section include a demonstration of learning at the end of a unit, such as a project, performance, final portfolio or test. 

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